We have once again looked at the subject of roll storage and handling and created a new product family: The TimStick lifting hook, in combination with the new Twister Slot roll holders, is the perfect solution for back-friendly handling of heavy film rolls.

Yellotools The TimStick Anhebehilfe für Folienrollen Yellotools Twister Slot 9er mit TimStick Station   Yellotools Twister Slot Stripe mit TimStickStation

If you prefer to store your film rolls horizontally, the Treemaxx Flexi is exactly what you need: This mobile film rack is designed to allow the 16 roll carriers to be adapted to different material widths from 100 to 160 cm.

Yellotools Treemaxx Flexi Folienrollenregal Yellotools Treemaxx Flexi Folienrollenregal Detailansicht

For the storage of sheet materials, we offer the height-adjustable YelloSheetSlider system. It can be extended in length with additional elements if needed.

Yellotools YelloSheetSlider Yellotools YelloSheetSlider Anwendungsbeispiel

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